• Welcome

    Welcome To Real Meals

    Hello everyone! My name is Robin and I started this blog to share the monthly menus I create for my family of five. If your house is anything like mine, it is easy to get stressed, especially around dinner time. After having my third son, I quickly found myself reaching for the same dinner staples over and over again. My kids were starting to notice and even the favorites like chicken nuggets and pizza were getting complaints. So I decided to make variety a priority. I began my mission to create a month of real meals that incorporated a variety of ingredients and flavors. The effort has been rewarded by…

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    Everything’s Fine

    Things are different for most of us since the last post I wrote. I hope anyone reading is finding themselves spared from the worst of COVID-19. But if it happens that you have known loss or suffering in this time, I am deeply sorry. Lots of us are finding ourselves at home more and maybe we are finding more time to cook. I finally made fresh pasta and it went well. I decided that I need my menu more than ever during a time when we are missing the routines that keep us grounded. The most challenging part is making a safe trip to the grocery store. If you can…

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    We Leapt Here

    I regret the tardiness of this post, but as indicated by the title, I am feeling like March came out of nowhere! This month’s menu doesn’t really speak to a theme, however, you might see a few more mentions of potatoes and Italian sausage, but hey, I get inspiration wherever I can to keep the variety in the menu. Also, I thought it might be worth acknowledging the lack of seafood on my monthly menu. I have completely eliminated fish from my diet due to my allergy to all seafood. I am certainly disappointed to miss out on those delicious protein options, but for me staying away from allergen triggers…

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    Leaping on

    Whew! We made it through January. Is it me, or did that take a while? I am amazed at the ease I felt while creating the February menu. Two whole days fewer made a big difference for me. If you are anything like me, January was so long that you had a chance to make a resolution, completely abandon said resolution, and come up with an edited resolution that feels more attainable. I am all about doing what is attainable so here we go with our Real Attainable Meals. My resolution was to do an instagram post for each of the meals I create and feature on this menu because,…

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    Perfect Vision in 2020

    Happy New Year everyone! I am very excited to be looking ahead and planning for a new year. Fresh starts can be both intimidating and hopeful with so much conversation about resolutions and goals. Often a fizzle out effect is all that we remember once the the newness wears off. This year, I am seeing a perfect vision of sustainable goals that start with doing things that have worked for me before. Although my update is coming a few days into the month, I went back to what has been working for me and I planned a month of meals to share with you. I considered presenting us all with…

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    December will be a challenging month for meals, at least for me. There’s a special event and calendar shift around every corner. Oh what fun it is to enjoy the holidays, but the same question gets asked on a daily basis, “Moooom, what’s for dinner?” I am hoping to avoid fast food and take out (though we all know it will happen once or twice). Here is my plan to keep dinner homemade. First, I will be relying on the menu I have shared here. By knowing what is for dinner and gathering all the ingredients at the beginning of the week, I will be able to head home every…

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